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What is make Uniway being groundbreaking?

Uniway has made the system’s disadvantages to the advantage by making a rational innovation in the working system of known 3D printing technologies. The discovery of Uniway engineering that produces solutions to conventional problems in 3D printing technologies is expressed as groundbreaking technology.

No Ground That Breaks UV Light Rays

Since the hardware structure of Uniway technology is designed to be the opposite of the buttom-up system, the UV ray reflected from the projector touches the printing platform and photopolymer resin without any breakage. In this way, models have sharp edges and printed in real size.

High Accuracy

Thanks to the UV rays reaching the printing platform and photopolymer resin without hitting anywhere, products printed with Uniway top-down printing technology do not experience up to %10 of the measurement and weight loss ,n other technologies.  Thus, it is possible to obtain equal weight and equal dimension on models in each corner of the platform.

High Surface Quality

The secret of fetting perfect casting result is hidden in high surface quality. Thanks to the Top-Down hardware array, high-resolution UV light is reflected directly onto the printing platform without any intervening layers such as glass, plexiglass or silicon. The direct reflection of the light on the printing platform, prevents possible light refraction and provides high dimensional accuracy.

Sharp Edges

The formula for printing curved and sharp lines is hidden in the Uniway software. It is possible to have sharp lines in the models thanks to the pixel size that can be reduced to 21 micron pixels.

ExJet Series

DLP / Resin 3D Printing Technology
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