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All Known 3D Printer Technologies in the Jewelry & Top-Down 3D Printer

Laser Projectors are widely used with the name SLA and projects intense laser beam into resin through a transparent resin tray, mostly a glass tank. This process is almost the same with a DLP-Bottom printer, the only difference is the light source. All systems have different pixel size (XY Resolution).
LCD projectors are around 50 microns while some DLP projectors have around 25 microns of pixel size.

The leading SLA-Laser Printer in the market has 25 microns of spot size for XY Resolution.

UNİWAY  DLP Projectors’ pixel size is 21 microns and it is the highest pixel size in the jewelry market.

What does XY and Z resolution mean? Why it is important?

XY Resolution, in our case the pixel size, is the key to print curvy and sharp edges. If the projector has better pixel size the image it projects will be more precise. XY Resolution is fixed and most of the manufacturers won’t let users to alter it.

Z Resolution, on the other hand is more flexible. Because it defines the layer thickness. Layer thickness value

is set while slicing the model. If the model is sliced in 0.05 mm, that means the layer thickness is 50 microns. If it is sliced it 0.025 mm, that means the layer thickness is 25 microns. Slicing the model in 0.025 mm will give a better surface quality but the printing time will also be longer, comparing to 35 microns or 50 microns.

Uniway Top- Down 3D Printer

Uniway has made the system’s disadvantages to the advantage by making a rational innovation in the working system of known 3D printing technologies. The discovery of Uniway engineering that produces solutions to conventional problems in 3D printing technologies is expressed as groundbreaking technology.

No Ground That Breaks UV Light Rays

Since the hardware structure of Uniway technology is designed to be the opposite of the buttom-up system, the UV ray reflected from the projector touches the printing platform and photopolymer resin without any breakage. In this way, models have sharp edges and printed in real size.

High Accuracy

Thanks to the UV rays reaching the printing platform and photopolymer resin without hitting anywhere, products printed with Uniway top-down printing technology do not experience up to %10 of the measurement and weight loss ,n other technologies.  Thus, it is possible to obtain equal weight and equal dimension on models in each corner of the platform.

* High Surface Quality

*Sharp Edges

* Flexibility & Moveble Models

*High Detailed Products

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